Write to us

Colorado Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 9218
Denver, CO 80209-0218

Correspondence to and from the Society and other administrative tasks are handled entirely by volunteer members. Please be patient since your request may need to be forwarded to a member who can best help you.


PresidentRoberta “Bobbi” Kingpresident@cogensoc.us
Vice-President/ProgramsJames Krollvicepres@cogensoc.us
SecretaryAnna Phillipssecretary@cogensoc.us
TreasurerPatrick E. Purcelltreasurer@cogensoc.us
Past PresidentSandy Ronaynepastpresident@cogensoc.us
Quarterly EditorNancy Ratayquarterlyed@cogensoc.us
Newsletter EditorRoberta “Bobbi” Kingcgsnews@cogensoc.us
MembershipSandy Ronaynemembership@cogensoc.us
Denver Public Library LiaisonSylvia Tracy-Doolosdplliaison@cogensoc.us
Web ManagerJoel Jonescgsweb@cogensoc.us